Saturday, March 31, 2012

Suami Sudah Sahkan Nikahi Kekasih, Status Aktress Popular Kini Menjadi Tanda Tanya

Suami Sudah Sahkan Nikahi Kekasih, Status Aktress Popular Kini Menjadi Tanda Tanya

Kisah rumahtangga pasangan ini sudah lebih setahun menjadi satu topik perbualan peminat juga para media dalam industri hiburan.
Beberapa gossip liar yang timbul sebelum ini termasuklah kisah pasangan ini yang sudah tidak tinggal sebumbung selepas suami kehilangan kerja di’nafikan oleh aktress popularini.
Perkhabaran baru yang di’terima ini bukan sesuatu mengejutkan kerana sebelum ini sang suami juga ada di’gossipkan bercinta dengan rakan sekerja ketika itu.
Si suami ini di’khabarkan sudah pun bernikah dengan kekasih dari tempat kerja yang sama sebelum ini dan lelaki ini kini banyak menghabiskan masa bersama isteri baru — soalan dari kami, apa status aktress si isteri pertama? 
Kasihan pula kami dengarkan nasib aktress ini yang sebenarnya masih sayang akan hubungan yang mereka bina selama ini, namun nampaknya kasih & cinta mereka kini hanya menunggu masa untuk tamat tempoh.
Kalau benar sang suami sudah tidak mahu hidup bersama aktress popular ini, ada baiknya di’lepaskan dari tergantung tiada bertali. Hmm.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Siapakah Diana Nasir Di Hati Fizo Omar?

Siapakah Diana Nasir Di Hati Fizo Omar?

Lama tak mendengar cerita tentang salah seorang jejaka kacak di dunia hiburan Malaysia iaitu Fizo Omar. Selalu kalau ada cerita mengenai Fizo pun time puasa dan raya. Sebabnya tak lain tak bukan kerana Fizo kan ada jual serunding Fizo Omar yang sungguh lazat. Jarang sungguh kita mendengar gosip percintaan Fizo Omar ini. Namun sebentar tadi Abang Nara ada menerima satu email yang mengepilkan 2 gambar Fizo Omar bersama Diana Nasir.
fizo omar dan diana nasir
Untuk makluman, Diana Nasir adalah kakak kepada Anzalna Nasir, salah seorang peserta Dewi Remaja yang semakin popular sekarang ini. Abang Nara tengok Fizo dan Diana ini memang sama cantik sama padan. Namun tak tahulah pulak apa hubungan mereka berdua. Mungkin sekadar kawan.
fizo omar dan diana nasir
Namun Abang Nara dapat rasakan aura percintaan apabila membaca tweet-tweet Diana Nasir. Antara contohnya seperti di bawah:-
fizo omar dan diana nasir
Mungkin tanda “love” di atas adalah sekadar suka-suka. Maklumlah dunia twitter kan banyak dengan perkara yang agak mengarut. Namun bagi Abang Nara tak salah pun kalau Fizo betul-betul bercinta dengan Diana Nasir. Sampai bila nak membujang kan? Tak gitu?

(TAHNIAH)Liyana Jasmay Selamat Bertunang, Bakal Nikah Pada 24 Januari 2013

(TAHNIAH)Liyana Jasmay Selamat Bertunang, Bakal Nikah Pada 24 Januari 2013

Seorang demi seorang artis wanita Malaysia bakal menamatkan zaman gadis mereka. Selepas Lisa dan Scha, kini Liyana Jasmay sudah pun bergelar tunangan orang sebentar tadi. Majlis pertunangan antara Liyana Jasmay, 24 tahun dan Fathuddin Mazlan, 28 tahun telah pun berlangsung di rumah Liyana Jasmay di Kemensah Height, Kuala Lumpur.
gambar tunang liyana jasmay
Liyana Jasmay tampil anggun dalam baju rekaan Rizman Ruzaini yang dianggarkan bernilai RM10,000. Pihak lelaki menghantar 5 hantaran berupa set wangian Gucci Guilty, set telekung, sebentuk cincin, sirih junjung dan cupcake. Hantaran tersebut turut diiringi dengan hiasan tepak sirih sebagai tanda mengikut adat. Sementara itu pihak wanita membalas 7 hantaran berupa senaskah Al-Quran, set butang baju melayu, sebijik kek, sehelai kain samping, biskut, pewangi berjenama Dunhill dan cupcake. Pasangan sama cantik sama padan ini telah bersetuju untuk bernikah pada 24 Januari 2013.
Jutaan tahniah Abang Nara ucapkan kepada Liyana Jasmay dan pasangan. Nantikan gambar-gambar sekitar majlis pertunangan mereka berdua sebentar lagi.

New video shows Zimmerman with NO blood or bruises on night he shot Trayvon Martin despite claiming he suffered 'broken nose' New video shows no signs of trauma on George Zimmerman's face, despite claims that his nose was broken Parents call surveillance footage 'the icing on the cake' Zimmerman's father claims Trayvon told his son 'you're gonna die now' during a scuffle Mother of witness in the case says she doesn't believe Zimmerman acted in self-defence

New video shows Zimmerman with NO blood or bruises on night he shot Trayvon Martin despite claiming he suffered 'broken nose'

  • New video shows no signs of trauma on George Zimmerman's face, despite claims that his nose was broken
  • Parents call surveillance footage 'the icing on the cake'
  • Zimmerman's father claims Trayvon told his son 'you're gonna die now' during a scuffle
  • Mother of witness in the case says she doesn't believe Zimmerman acted in self-defence

Amid a fierce campaign that erupted nationwide following the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, a new video is casting doubt on the shooter’s story about what happened.
In a video shot just after shooting, George Zimmerman is seen emerging from a police vehicle with his hands cuffed behind his back as he’s frisked and led into questioning by officers.
Despite his lawyer’s account that Zimmerman was knocked down and suffered a broken nose in a scuffle with Martin, the video, provided to ABC News shows no injuries consistent with his description.
Scroll down for video
Footage: In this video provided to ABC News, George Zimmerman is seen being led out of a police car shortly after the shooting death of Trayvon Martin
Footage: In this video provided to ABC News, George Zimmerman is seen being led out of a police car shortly after the shooting death of Trayvon Martin
Not a scratch: George Zimmerman is seen emerging from a police vehicle with his hands cuffed behind his back as he's frisked and led away by officers
Not a scratch: George Zimmerman is seen emerging from a police vehicle with his hands cuffed behind his back as he's frisked and led away by officers
Doubt? Despite his lawyer's account that Zimmerman was knocked down and suffered a broken nose in a scuffle with Martin, the video shows no injuries consistent with his description
Doubt? Despite his lawyer's account that Zimmerman was knocked down and suffered a broken nose in a scuffle with Martin, the video shows no injuries consistent with his description
Trayvon's parents Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin told CNN’s Piers Morgan that the video proves what they have known all along.
Ms Fulton told Morgan: 'We just looked at the video and we were just surprised because according to the police report, he sustained injuries, but when we looked at the video, it was obvious that there were no visible injuries. [there was no] blood on his shirt'.
She later added: 'I believe that this video is the icing on the cake'.
The family's lawyer, Benjamin Crumb, told Morgan that the footage proves that the Sanford Police Department 'conspired to cover this up'.
Zimmerman, who has not spoken publically since the shooting, told police that he spotted Martin as he was patrolling his neighbourhood and called 911 to report a suspicious person.
'This guy looks like he is up to no good. He is on drugs or something,' Zimmerman told the dispatcher from his sport utility vehicle. 
He added that the teen had his hand in his waistband and was walking around looking at homes.
'These a*******. They always get away,' Zimmerman said on a 911 call.
But Trayvon, 17, was not armed. He was returning from a convenience store with an iced tea for himself and a bag of skittles for his little brother.
Trayvon Martin
George Zimmerman
Dispute: A national outcry has many demanding the arrest of George Zimmerman, right, in the killing of Trayvon Martin (left)
Protests: The killing of Trayvon Martin has sparked numerous demonstrations across the country, like this one in front of the White House on Tuesday
Protests: The killing of Trayvon Martin has sparked numerous demonstrations across the country, like this one in front of the White House on Tuesday
A neighbour said there had been several break-ins in the community in the past year, including one in which burglars took a TV and laptops.
A dispatcher told Zimmerman to stay in his sport utility vehicle and that an officer would be there momentarily, but Zimmerman - for unknown reasons - got out.
Zimmerman told police he lost sight of the teenager and was walking back to his sport utility vehicle when he was suddenly attacked. 
He and Martin fought, according to witnesses. Zimmerman said Martin punched him in the nose and slammed his head against the ground.
Zimmerman’s father Robert Zimmerman echoed those remarks on Wednesday night, telling WOFL-TV his son was being beaten by Trayvon, and the teen threatened him during the scuffle.
New picture: This image taken from a Twitter account that reportedly belonged to Trayvon, shows an older image of the teen - just as new reporting is casting a different light on his behaviour
New picture: This image taken from a Twitter account that reportedly belonged to Trayvon, shows an older image of the teen - just as new reporting is casting a different light on his behaviour
He told the network: 'Trayvon Martin said something to the effect of "you're going to die now or you're going to die tonight," something to that effect'. 
He added: ‘[Martin] continued to beat George and at some point, George pulled his pistol and did what he did’.
Zimmerman told cops he acted in self-defence, and that he had yelled for help before firing the gun.
Police said Zimmerman was bleeding from his nose and the back of his head. 
But the surveillance video shows no injuries consistent with that type of trauma.
Zimmerman appears calm as his pockets are checked and he’s led to a questioning room by three officers.
Speaking out: Trayvon's parents, Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton, talked about their son's death at a public forum sponsored by Democrats on Capitol Hill on Tuesday
Speaking out: Trayvon's parents, Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton, talked about their son's death at a public forum sponsored by Democrats on Capitol Hill on Tuesday
In an appearance on MSNBC’s PoliticsNation on Wednesday night, the mother of a witness in the case said that she doesn't believe the account of Zimmerman's lawyer.
When asked by host Al Sharpton if she believed Zimmerman acted in self-defence, Cheryl Brown answered: 'Not at all'.
The fact that he has not been arrested nor charged in the case has fuelled a widespread outcry marked by protests, accusations of racism and demands that Zimmerman be taken in.
Watch video here

(4 GAMBAR)Fasha Sandha Sambut Hari Jadi Bersama Jejai, Dilayan Bak Puteri

(4 GAMBAR)Fasha Sandha Sambut Hari Jadi Bersama Jejai, Dilayan Bak Puteri

Romantik juga bakal suami Fasha Sandha, Jejai ini. Bersempena dengan hari jadi Fasha, Jejai telah mengadakan satu majlis kejutan untuk tuan puterinya. Daripada gambar-gambar yang dilihat, Abang Nara dapat bayangkan layanan yang diterima oleh Fasha bak seorang puteri.
gambar sambutan hari jadi fasha
Siap ada selempang macam ratu cantik lagi. Dan kek hari jadinya pula adalah berbentuk mahkota. Mungkin Jejai ingin menyatakan bahawa Fasha adalahh ratu hatinya. Kira jiwa sentimental jugaklah Jejai ini. Memang respek habis. Lagi 3 keping gambar dengan membaca entri ini sepenuhnya.
gambar sambutan hari jadi fasha
gambar sambutan hari jadi fasha
gambar sambutan hari jadi fasha

David Beckham gives Victoria some me time as he takes Cruz and baby Harper to the mall (but still needs the help of a nanny!)

David Beckham gives Victoria some me time as he takes Cruz and baby Harper to the mall (but still needs the help of a nanny!)

It must be tough juggling a successful career with four children, so Victoria Beckham is lucky she has an understanding husband.
David gave his designer wife a break on Monday afternoon when he took their two younger children shopping at a Beverly Hills mall.
The 36-year-old footballer was accompanied by a female nanny as he perused the shops with six-year-old Cruz and eight-month-old Harper.
Time with daddy: David Beckham took Cruz and Harper shopping at a Beverly Hills mall on Monday
Time with daddy: David Beckham took Cruz and Harper shopping at a Beverly Hills mall on Monday
Pushing the youngster's stylish buggy, David looked relaxed as he spent some quality time with two of his children.
Wearing a grey sweater with blue jeans and a dark green beany hat, the LA Galaxy star was dressed down for his day out.
David didn't waste any time in spending some money and clutched a few Footlocker shopping bags as the group stopped for a rest.
One big happy family: Victoria, pictured her with her brood earlier this month, juggles her career with bringing up her four children
One big happy family: Victoria, pictured her with her brood earlier this month, juggles her career with bringing up her four children
All alone: The former Spice Girl was spotted enjoying some me time in the U.S. last week
All alone: The former Spice Girl was spotted enjoying some me time in the U.S. last week
Young Cruz looked excited to be out shopping and appeared to be wearing a stripey football shirt with some black shorts.
The family nanny had also treated herself to something and was spotted peeking in at Harper every now and then.
Former Spice Girl Victoria was no doubt taking a well-earned break from her parental duties following her contribution to International Food Day at the children's school last week.
I need it too! David also enjoyed some down time alone at the weekend as he watched a basketball game in Los Angeles
I need it too! David also enjoyed some down time alone at the weekend as he watched a basketball game in Los Angeles
The 37-year-old posted a series of photos on Twitter of all the British goods she had baked for the special day.
The brunette also helped out at the school serving the treats to all the visitors and also tweeted a photo of herself doing so.
'Proud to be British': Victoria tweeted this photo of all the goods she had baked for the school event
'Proud to be British': Victoria tweeted this photo of all the goods she had baked for the school event

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