Monday, March 5, 2012

Mr. Bean Dead? Justin Bieber Puts a Stop to Rowan Atkinson Death Rumor on Twitter

rowan atkinson
Mr. Bean died today on Twitter and Justin Bieber doesn’t think it’s funny. After a death rumor started circulating about comedian Rowan Atkinson, the Biebs sent out a Tweet to his followers telling them to spread the word that the comedic legend was alive and well.

“R.I.P. Rowan Atkinson: Stop joking. Remember he’s Mr.Bean – who was a part of your childhood and grew up with you. RT to show your respect.”Bieber wrote:
The Rowan Atkinson death rumors didn’t fool Justin Bieber, but they did briefly fool Wikipedia. The International Business Times reports that Rowan Atkinson’s biography was briefly edited to say to say that he died on February 26th, 2012.
The rumor was apparently started by Michael Robert Meras who apologized to the Twitterverse after his joke spun out of control. Meras wrote:
“Shutting down now. Sorry guys, RIP Rowan Atkinson was just a joke. Sorry for that matter, I never thought it would be that viral. We <3 MrBean.”
Rowan Atkinson is hardly the first person to be killed on Twitter. In the last few months fake death rumors have circulated about Jon Bon Jovi, Eddie Murphy,and  Reba McEntire.
Did you believe the Mr. Bean death rumor?
Are you a fan of Rowan Atkinson? Here’s a video of Mr. Bean going to the swimming pool.

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