Friday, February 25, 2011

Lady Gaga Talks About Being Inside an Egg for 3 Days

Lady Gaga Talks About Being Inside an Egg for 3 Days

Lady Gaga has opened up on sex education, sharing her thoughts which she says came to her while spending time inside the human-size egg or ‘vessel’ which she claims she stayed in for three days, and later arrived to the Grammys while still inside the egg in question. Firstly, Gaga says that she was taught about sex from a young age and she encourages parents to do the same with their children:
“My mother talked to me about sex at a young age and she always taught me to be self aware . She taught me a lot of things when I was young. The main thing I remember is her putting her lipstick on the morning and talking to me about life. I would encourage young people all over the world to talk about safe sex with all the people close to them.”
She continued on the issue:
“Talking about sex with your children is a bit of a taboo and seen as this very uncomfortable thing. But it’s all because of shame and stigma around those things that makes people not protect themselves and treat themselves with respect. It’s all about self love.”
Gaga says that spending time inside the giant egg (it was designed by fashion designer  Hussein Chalayan) gave her a chance be reborn:
“I was in the egg for three days because I wanted to have a rebirth and I think the universe needs to have a rebirth. I think we all need to be inside a vessel for three days and think about how we can love ourselves and protect ourselves more. We need to make the most of life and not live life outwards looking for validation, but inwards. Look inside of yourself to your spirit and your inner light.”

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