Saturday, February 26, 2011

Even Johnny Depp Has Bieber Fever

Even Johnny Depp Has Bieber Fever

Heart palpitations? Check. Desire to paint one’s nails and wear purple? Check. Just two of the terrifying symptoms associated with Bieber Fever, the disease which is infecting celebville presently – and it has now claimed it’s latest victim – Johnny Depp. Yes, even Johnny Depp can’t quite fight off the frightfully girlish allure that Justin Bieber  emanates! Recently Bieber crashed a press conference for Johnny Depp’s latest film Rango, and Depp announced his love for the singer:
“I’m riddled with Bieber Fever, my daughter is a big Justin Bieber fan, and she turned myself and my woman Vanessa [Paradis] and our boy Jack on to Justin Bieber… He’s a sweet kid.”
According to DigitalSpy,Depp describes meeting Justin for the first time:
“It was the first time I had heard the term, ‘A Belieber’ and I admitted that I was a Belieber and he magically appears – there he was.”

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